COUNTY FEATURES Prepared by the Mississippi Development Authority
Roosevelt Ross Barnett Reservoir Tourism related information Call 1-800-WARMEST POPULATION
Most populated cities in Scott County:
United States Bureau of the Census, March 2000. LOCATION Distance to selected cities from Forest:
Nearest cities with a population of 10,000 or more and distance from Forest:
Age breakdown in Scott County, 2000:
United States Bureau of Census, March 2000.
UTILITIES AND SERVICES Electricity distributor(s): Mississippi Power Company, Southern Pine EPA Water/sewage:
Natural gas distributor(s): Entex Telephone service provider: Bellsouth LABOR FORCE
Source: Mississippi Employment Security Commission, Running Averages from May 2000 and Annual Averages for 1999, Employmnet information from neighboring states, Annual for 1999. WAGES Averages wage rates*, 2000:
Source: Mississippi Employment Security Commission, Covered Employment and Wages 1998; U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Annual Averages, 1998 RETAIL SALES Gross Retail Sales (in millions):
INCOME Per Capita Personal Income
Source of Earnings by Place of Work, 2000:
1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | |
Scott County | $91 | $96 | $94 | $98 | $105 | $113 |
Banks based in Forest | 2 | Bank of Forest, Community Bank |
Banks with branches in Forest | 2 | Citizen's, Bankcorp South |
Banks | Local | Branch |
Number of establishments** | 2 | 2 |
Total Assets | ||
Bank of Forest | Community Bank | |
$127,5884,000 | $522,118,000 |
** number shown represent the number of institutions as opposed to locations.
Cost of Housing,
Average Selling Price of Homes,1998:
Forest(Based on Jackson Area) | ..... | $102,999 |
Mississippi | ...... | $92,303 |
Forest | Class 7 |
Source: Mississippi State Rating Bureau, 2000
Average County millage 96.13
Property tax:
Counties and municipalities levy a property tax on real
and personal tangible property. Most property is assessed
at 15% of true value. Motor vehicles and utilities
excluding railroads)are assessed at 30% and owner-occupied
residential properties are assessed at 10% of true value.
To calculate annual property tax:
Tax = (V x A x M)/1000
V = property value ($),
A = assessment percentage (%),
M = millage rate
Example: Home Value $102,999 millage rate 92.50
($102,999 x 10% x 92.50)/1,000 = $952.74
Source: Mississippi State Tax Commission, 2000
MS. Department of Economic and Community | Mid-Mississippi Development District |
Development East Central Field Office | Post Office Box 119 |
Post Office Box 4398 | Newton, Mississippi 39345 |
Meridian, Mississippi 39304 | (601)469-4332 |
(601)482-7445 | |
Forest Area Chamber of Commerce | East Central Planning and Development District |
Post Office Box 266 | Post Office Box 449 |
Forest, Mississippi 39074 | Newton, Mississippi 39345 |
(601)469-4332 | (601)683-2007 |