Prepared by the Mississippi Development Authority
County Seat(s) Forest
Land area: 610 square miles/1,580 square kilometers
County land area in commercial forests 66%
State Parks:
Ross Barnett Reservoir
Tourism related information Call 1-800-WARMEST

Population: 1990 1993 1995 2000 2010
Forest 5,074 5,211 5,320 5,987 NA
Scott County 24,192 24,596 25,987 24,423 24,279

Most populated cities in Scott County:
City 2000 Population
Forest 5,987
Morton 3,482
Sebastopol 233
Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, Census of Population, 1980 and 1990;
United States Bureau of the Census, March 2000.

Distance to selected cities from Forest:
Area Miles Kilometers
Atlanta, Georgia 352 Miles 568 kilometers
Chicago, Illinois 774 miles 1,248 kilometers
Dallas, Texas 430 miles 694 kilometers
Jackson, Mississippi 48 miles 77 kilometers
Memphis, Tennessee 243 miles 392 kilometers
New Orleans, Louisiana 184 miles 297 kilometers
Source: Official Mississippi Highway Map

Nearest cities with a population of 10,000 or more
and distance from Forest:
Philadelphia 43 miles
Jackson (STATE CAPITAL) 42 miles
Meridian 40 miles
Pearl 36 miles
Brandon 31 miles

Age breakdown in Scott County, 2000:
0 to 17 28.6%
18 to 24 9.6%
25 to 44 27.9%
45 and 64 21.4%
65 and Over 12.4%
Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, Census of Population, 1980 and 1990;
United States Bureau of Census, March 2000.

Median age of Scott County, 2000: ..... 33.8

The mean temperature 64.7 degrees
The winter average 48 degrees
The summer average 81 degrees
Annual rainfall 52 inches
Snow Rare occurrence

Electricity distributor(s):
Mississippi Power Company, Southern Pine EPA

Utility name ..... City of Forest
Source ..... Wells
System capacity ..... 5,000,000 gallons (18,939 kiloliters) per day
Average consumption ..... 2,900,000 gallons (10,985 kiloliters)per day
Peak consumption ...... 4,500,000 gallons (17,045 kiloliters)per day
Storage capacity ..... 1,500,000 gallons (5,682 kiloliters)
Sanitary sewer capacity ..... 7,200,000 gallons (27,273 kiloliters)
Sewer treatment type ..... Activated sludge
Percent of community served ..... 100%
Present load ..... 60%

Natural gas distributor(s):

Telephone service provider:

Annual Average, 1999 Scott County Commuting Area*
Labor Force 12,460 157,090
Male Percentage 53%
Female Percentage 47%
Total Employment 12,050 151,780
Manufacturing 6,330
Services & Misc 1,450
Total Unemployed 410 5,310
Unemployment Rate 3.3% 3.4%
U.S 3.3%
Mississippi 5.4%
12 Month Moving Average,:
April 2000 June 2002 May 2005
Labor Force 12,700 12,650 13,230
Total Employment 12,270 11,930 13,230
Total Unemployment 430 720 12,470
Unemployment Rate 3.4% 5.7% 5.7%
*Commuting area includes contiguous counties.
Source: Mississippi Employment Security Commission,
Running Averages from May 2000 and Annual Averages for 1999,
Employmnet information from neighboring states, Annual for 1999.

Averages wage rates*, 2000:
Scott County $369/week $9.23/hour
Mississippi $548/week $13.70/hour
United States $861/week $21.53/hour
Scott County $388/week $9.70/hour
Mississippi $464/week $11.60/hour
United States $647/week $16.18/hour
*All rates include management personnel.

Source: Mississippi Employment Security Commission,
Covered Employment and Wages 1998; U.S. Department of Labor,
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Annual Averages, 1998

Gross Retail Sales (in millions):
1990 1993 1995 1999 2001
Forest $86 $96 $109 $127 $121
Scott County $154 $180 $193 $212 $193
Source: State Tax Commission, Annual Report, Fiscal Years Ending June 1990-1999

Per Capita Personal Income
1995 1996 1997 1998 2000
Scott County $16,357 $17,593 $18,004 $19,503 $17,653

Earnings, Scott County:
Earnings by Place of Work, 2000 $371,368,000

Source of Earnings by Place of Work, 2000:
Manufacturing 35.4%
Services 10.4%
Wholesale Trade 3.3%
Retail Trade 7.4%
Government 11.79%
Construction 3.9%
Transport.,Public Utilities 6.9%
Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, May 2000.

Grand Total Ad Valorem Assessment (in millions)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Scott County $91 $96 $94 $98 $105 $113
Source: Mississippi State Tax Commission, 1995 through 1999.

Banks based in Forest 2 Bank of Forest, Community Bank
Banks with branches in Forest 2 Citizen's, Bankcorp South
Source: Mississippi Bankers Association, Mississippi Financial Institutions Directory, 2000.

Banks Local Branch
Number of establishments** 2 2
Total Assets
Bank of Forest Community Bank
$127,5884,000 $522,118,000
** number shown represent the number of institutions as opposed to locations.

Cost of Housing,
Average Selling Price of Homes,1998:
Forest(Based on Jackson Area) ..... $102,999
Mississippi ...... $92,303
Source: Mississippi Manufactures Database, MSA, October 2001.

Forest Class 7
Source: Mississippi State Rating Bureau, 2000

PROPERTY TAX Average County millage 96.13
Property tax:
Counties and municipalities levy a property tax on real
and personal tangible property. Most property is assessed
at 15% of true value. Motor vehicles and utilities excluding railroads)are assessed at 30% and owner-occupied
residential properties are assessed at 10% of true value.
To calculate annual property tax:
Tax = (V x A x M)/1000
V = property value ($),
A = assessment percentage (%),
M = millage rate
Example: Home Value $102,999 millage rate 92.50
($102,999 x 10% x 92.50)/1,000 = $952.74
Source: Mississippi State Tax Commission, 2000

MS. Department of Economic and Community Mid-Mississippi Development District
Development East Central Field Office Post Office Box 119
Post Office Box 4398 Newton, Mississippi 39345
Meridian, Mississippi 39304 (601)469-4332
Forest Area Chamber of Commerce East Central Planning and Development District
Post Office Box 266 Post Office Box 449
Forest, Mississippi 39074 Newton, Mississippi 39345
(601)469-4332 (601)683-2007

Last Updated: October 15, 2005
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Community Bank

BancCorp South

Bank of Forest