Local News Brief

Forest's Chambers sworn in on July 2
The public was invited to attend to the swearing-in ceromonies and reception for Mayor-elect Nancy N. Chambers and the members of the Forest City Council on Monday, July 2, 2001. U.S. Tom S. Lee conducted the swearing-in of the City Council and Mayor. The cereomony is being sponsored by the Forest Area Chamber of Commerce.
New Principal Begin on first of July
Marvin Jeter, III joined the Forest Municipal School District as Principal of Forest High School - effective on July 1st, 2001. Mr. Jeter's educational experience includes service in Jackson Public Schools, at Hudspeth Regional Center, and at Lakeside School. The 38 Year Mr. Jeter holds a B.S. and masters from USM and a Masters from JSU where he is currently pursuing a PHD in educational administration.
Governor appoints Lee
Governor Ronnie Musgrove has appointed Roy Noble Lee, Jr. of Forest to the Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Commission for a five-year term. Lee will represent the Third Congressional District beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2006.
Deuce Drafted in the First
Round Former Morton High School University of Mississippi running back Dulymus (Deuce) McAllister of Ludlow was the 23rd overall draft pick in the National Football League Draft by the New Orleans Saints. Deuce was the second running back taken in the draft.
Chambers defeats Gaddis by 2-1 margin Ward Three
Alderman Nancy Chambers, 52, upset eight-term incumbent Forest Mayor Fred L. Gaddis, 78, in the Primary Democratic Municipal election. She became the first woman in history to serve as the city's chief executive officer. The new mayor will take office in July.
Constance Slaughter-Harvey wins prestigious award
Lawyer Constance Slaughter-Harvey was named the 2001 Outstanding Women Lawyer. She is the seventh recipient of the award and the first African-American female to be selected. Slaughter-Harvey has a long list of accomplishments in her 31 years. She was the first black woman to graduate from the University of Mississippi School of Law. She became the first black woman black president of the National Association of Elections Directors. She successfully argued the case that led to the desegregation of the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol. Slaughter-Harvey, a former assistant secretary of state, is serving as president of the Scott County Bar Association and the Magnolia Bar Association, a black professional lawyers group.
New Scott County Times Publisher
Wyatt Emmerich, president of Emmerich Newspapers, Inc., announced the appointment of John Dilmore as publisher and editor of The Scott County Times effective June 1. Dilmore succeeds current Times publisher and ENI vice president Sid Salter, who will resigned May 30 to accept the post of Perspective Editor and columnist at The Clarion-Ledger in Jackson. Salter has served as publisher and editor of The Times since 1983. Forest Schools get grant to fund future excellence.
Forest Municipal Awarded Grant
The Forest Municipal School District has been awarded a $45,120 Goals 2000 Educational Excellence award for the 2001-2002 school year. The grant will fund two retired teachers who will work with small groups of children in reading six hours a week. This is the sixth year that the Forest Municipal Shcool District has been awarded this grant.

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